So, whenever you walk into one of my stores, you will probably see some signage referring to renovation find, or some cards and pamphlets that explain a bit more about what they do. If you haven’t seen any of those, good thing your reading this. Renovation find is a company that was started roughly 4 years ago to fill a need, which was to find and vet contractors and put them in a space where potential clients could find them and be assured that they were at least being reviewed by someone. And boy do they go deep on those checks, requiring and checking on your insurance each year, pulling wcb clearance to make sure its current, ensuring that you have little to zero legal trouble, etc.
What’s great about the program and I know this from personal experience dealing with a terrible contractor, is that even though they may change the name of the business that’s in serious trouble in an effort to try to rebrand, that trouble still sticks to them. So that even though they have a new company, it doesn’t matter as its still the same people with that history on them, which means that the head office over at Reno find denies that application in an effort to protect future customers.
I’ve been with them now going on 2 years, and I’m proud of our business relationship. I try to drop in from time to time to discuss future promotions with them and email blasts to their members, what deals would people desire, and most importantly what blogs or issues people are wanting to learn about/talk about. As for why you should be a Reno find member, well it gets you up to 20% off anything in store at my three locations, at Pinnacle North, Pinnacle Decorating south, or strathcona decorating centre in Sherwood park. So instead of waiting for a sale to happen, you get the sale whenever you need it. I should stress that while these offers will always be honored at my locations, all Benjamin moores are independently owned, so they do have the right to refuse if you ask them as it is not their promotion.
If you’re interested in learning more about Reno find, then head on over to, or stop by their booth at the Edmonton home shows that are held at the Edmonton expo center, they have a booth every year.
#RenovationFind,#Benjaminmooreedmonton,#benjaminmoorepaints,#paintstoresedmonton, #thatbenmooreguy